Saturday, 12 January 2013


Yes I know this is not a real word, but what do you call a person who has been to many Jamborees for the love of it- a Jamborite??? It may stick who knows!

Here are a couple of the Jamborites that were up with the Heritage and Badge Club displays

John McCormack

How many Jamboree's has John McCormack attended - 29. This includes three World Jamborees - Holland, Chile and Thailand.

John's first Jamboree was in 1960 and he says this has been a good Jamboree, but the Scouts are definitely a lot cheekier these days than years ago. 

John is very pleased to be able to attend this Jamboree as his grandson is attending. This may not seem significant but when you add in that his grandson lives in China and is a Lone Scouts - one that does scouting on their own. It is a huge moment for them both.

His best moments of any Jamboree has been to attend the Wold Jamboree in Holland with his children, and then to attend the one in Chile with his wife. 

John is an avid badge collector and has been here with the badge club for the entire time of AJ2013

Ann Taylor

Ann Taylor is an avid badge collector and has been involved in the club since in 1976 when the Club officially opened. 

Ann likes to tell that she is the only Guide that is now a member of the Scouts Fellowship. She has been to 13 Jamborees - nice timing seeing it is 2013 this year. 

The heat has been difficult to handle here this time, but at least it is not raining.

The display of badges Ann has is very impressive and was very proud to advise that some of the badges have real value. One is worth $1,500 to a collector, for a novice collecotr it is a real eye opener to know that it ca pay returns in time. 

Thank you Ann for your dedication to the Badge Club and for attending AJ2013.

1 comment:

  1. I was part of the QLD Contingent for the 1994/1995 Jamboree in Perth - QLD Troop 546. Found all my badges and other bits and pieces the other day, what amazing memories! I'm no longer involved in scouting however I think going on a Jamboree is one of the best experiences you can ever get as a scout and a person. A valuable life experience!


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